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    We’ve sold many fantastic collections over the years and we’re always excited for more great material! Consign with us and enter into a lasting and beneficial partnership.

    Why should you consign with Holabird Western Americana Collections LLC?

    We combine the elements of historically researched descriptions, professional photography, artfully designed catalogs, and a team of specialists to consistently produce record prices. Consign your items to the experts and let us help you realize the most for your collections.

    What do you get when you consign with us?

    • Holabird Live: Live internet auctions put your material in front of a larger audience than ever before. Our internet presence has opened up the market to a whole new generation of bidding. Not only do we offer live online bidding at no additional charge, but we also offer phone bidding and have live agents readily available to secure bids on all platforms. Never before has bidding in one of our auctions been so easy.
    • Historically Researched Descriptions: Our team of research writers craft colorfully written historical descriptions that tell the stories behind the items we sell. Through these accurately written descriptions we paint a picture for the collector and create a need and desire for your items.
    • Professional Photography: Colorful, vibrant, high resolution photographs tell a story all their own. Our expert photographer will give your items the attention they need to make them look amazing both online and in print.
    • Cataloguing: Full color, high quality, artfully designed catalogs put your collections on the coffee tables of collectors worldwide. Our print catalogs are more than a just a catalogue of goods for sale, they’ve become historic reference works that our clients have come to know and love.
    • Marketing: We market extensively to advanced collectors through online advertising, national print advertising, trade shows, and direct proprietary marketing among other publicity. We’re seasoned marketers so you can rest assured knowing your material will get the recognition it deserves.
    • Superior Customer Service:  At Holabird Western Americana Collections LLC, we pride ourselves in offering a high level of customer service that you can count on. Our commitment to you is what sets us apart from the rest. You want someone you can trust, and we are by your side every step of the way.

     The Process:

    • Appraisal & Inspection: We begin the process with an informal inspection of your item(s).  We can do this in person or through photographs and descriptions, via email, fax, mail, or telephone. Once we have the opportunity to evaluate your items, we will then provide you with a professional opinion of value.

    Submit your photographs & descriptions to:
    Holabird Western Americana Collections LLC ~ 3555 Airway Drive, Suite# 308  Reno, NV 89511
    Email us at
    Call us toll free  844-HWAC-RNO (4922-766) or send us a fax 775-851-1834.

    •  Consignment: Once we’ve determined that your material is a good fit for us and one of our upcoming sales, we will discuss the perfect venue for your items and spend some time with you to go over reserves, estimates, and sellers commission. Our commission rates are highly competitive and all inclusive. We have no photo or cataloging fees, no insurance fees, and no other hidden charges or gimmicks.
    • Estimates & Value: We use decades of sound experience and judgment to assign estimates. We market extensively through national advertising and participation in trade shows, and we find that most items sell for premium prices. There are, however, unpredictable times when items sell for less than expected. This is usually balanced by items selling for premiums. We cannot predict market prices or conditions and, ultimately, our buyers set the prices.
    • Shipping & Transportation: There are many ways to get your material to us for processing. You can arrange to bring your material directly into our Reno office, we can arrange to pick up your collection, or you may ship your items to us.
    • Contract & Inventory: Once we receive your material, a preliminary inventory will be sent to you and a formal consignment contract will be drawn up. This is an important part of the process as it will outline the terms and conditions, allow us to properly collect your contact information, and assign you with a unique consignor ID.  After your items have been processed for an auction and lot numbers are assigned, a second inventory will be sent detailing your upcoming auction lots. Sometimes parts of collections will be held for a future auction if we feel it may be a better fit for another sale or complement other incoming material.
    • Payment: After the close of the sale, we process the invoices and reconcile the auction. Once this is complete we will send you a final consignment report outlining how much your item(s) sold for and what amount you can expect to receive from us. Payment is made within 45 days of auction close. There are rare occasions when a client requests more than 30 days to pay and in this case, we specifically discuss this with you upfront.

    Our knowledgeable and friendly staff will help guide you through this simple process so you can see your hard-earned collections meet the right hands for the right prices. Contact our office for more information or for a consultation. Here at Holabird’s Western Americana Collections, we don’t only achieve record-breaking sales prices–we create legends.